SAVE creates flyer regarding James Ball

Flyer here. Feel free to make copies and hand it out as you see fit. News of this man's struggle and final end has to be spread. Excerpt:

'Following a 10-year battle to clear his good name, Thomas Ball took his own life on June 15, 2011 in front of the Cheshire County, New Hampshire courthouse. Ball was a 21-year military veteran with no prior history of violence.

The saga began when Ball physically disciplined his child, cutting her lip. CPS warned the mother, Karen Ball, to report the incident to the police, or face a child abuse charge. The police department mistakenly classified the action as “domestic violence” and arrested the man.

With a divorce now imminent, everything seemed to go downhill. Out of a job since 2009 and now facing a jail sentence for falling behind on child support payments, Thomas Ball felt he had run out of options.
Following are excerpts from an article published at The entire article can be read at'

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