UK: "Feminism is so passe. It's the boys who need help now"

Article here. Excerpt:

In the Western world, the feminist argument has been definitively won — and all the silly and, frankly, somewhat pathetic ‘slut walks’ in the world won’t refute that.

As far as I can tell, the new feminism aims to make men share more of the childcare. And, of course, it’s true that children prevent many women from going further in their careers. But it’s also true that it’s usually the woman’s choice. The maternal instinct is so powerful that most mothers want to do a larger share of the childcare.
For years, girls have outstripped boys at school and at university, and more women than men are entering formerly male-dominated professions such as medicine and law. The latest figures show that girls do better than boys at GCSE and in further education — 20 per cent more girls go on to university than boys, and are more likely to get a good degree.

Nothing will convince me that boys are inherently more stupid than girls. No, the reason boys are lagging behind girls is because they’re the ones who are being discriminated against. It is they who are being kept back by the system.'

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