Russell Crowe on circumcision: 'barbaric and stupid'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Russell Crowe caused a Twitter row this morning when he declared circumcision was 'barbaric and stupid'.
The Oscar winner, who is currently on holiday in Italy, staunchly defended his viewpoint as he was bombarded with both criticism and praise by his followers.
He finally attempted to finish the row by reiterating his views: 'I will always stand for the perfection of babies, I will always believe in God, not man's interpretation of what God requires.

'Last of it, if you feel it is your right to cut things off your babies please unfollow and f**k off, I'll take attentive parenting over barbarism.''

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Another one gets it! Mutilating newborn infant's genitals is a form of sadistic pedophilia and should be condemned.

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That's right. He said if he had said anything to offend anyone's religious sensibilities, he apologized. Rather than insist that this was about genital integrity and respecting the rights of people of all ages to bodily integrity, he started talking about religion.

Read the pathetic story here.

I will keep saying it: Intactivists cannot let anyone else dictate the terms of debate. Religion is a red herring to this issue. The issue is just this: human rights. These trump the rights of others to perform ceremonies involving you or your person without your express permission. It matters not what relationship they have to you, natural (as in parent) or otherwise (as in government). It is about human rights and that is ALL it is about. Don't let anyone drag the conversation away from that.

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I agree with what you are saying Matt, but I cut Mr. Crowe some slack. He probably did not have alot of time to think about what he was going to say.

All in all I think the whole incident is good news for us. I hope the media keeps the story running and hopefully Crowe might get a chance to explain his position (the anti-circ part, not the apology) on some late night shows.

Anyone twitter?? I suggest some MRAs tweet to Mr. Crow and tell him the anti-circ crowd needs him as a spokesperson.

He sounds very passionate about the issue. I hope IntactAmerica has tried to contact him.

Oh...and tweet the incident to Howard Stern. He is anti circ and would probaly try and get Crowe on his show.

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