Jilted ex-boyfriend puts up abortion billboard

This story tells of a man who protested the abortion of his child by putting up a billboard. The woman is complaining it's a violation of her right to privacy. The issue I find interesting is not abortion but whether the woman can deny the man his right to express his opinion. Perhaps more interesting are the comments. One issue being discussed is whether men should have any reproductive rights. A lot of man-haters are saying no. Excerpt:

"A New Mexico man's decision to lash out with a billboard ad saying his ex-girlfriend had an abortion against his wishes has touched off a legal debate over free speech and privacy rights.

The sign on Alamogordo's main thoroughfare shows 35-year-old Greg Fultz holding the outline of an infant. The text reads, "This Would Have Been A Picture Of My 2-Month Old Baby If The Mother Had Decided To Not KILL Our Child!"

Fultz's ex-girlfriend has taken him to court for harassment and violation of privacy. A domestic court official has recommended the billboard be removed.'

But Fultz's attorney argues the order violates his client's free speech rights.

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Good for this man for exposing his ex-girlfriend for what she is. The sign does not even mention her by name -she is bringing more attention to herself by protesting. I believe he has every right to post the sign. If he is forced to take it down it will be a travesty of justice and biased against fathers.

Pro-Abortionist are like bullies. They don't like to be exposed. I say let's call them out and see how tough they are and how they answer for their behavior. Pro-abortionist cannot even admit to what they have done., Miscarriage?... yeah right.... I've heard it referred to that before....

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The constitution gives us the right of Free Speech, not the right of privacy, especially if the harm does not cause actual direct harm, i.e. yelling fire in a crowded theater. Slander and Libel are also issues, which appears not to be.

I understand her want for privacy but the truth is a defense to such claims.

Now with regard to the Pro-Abortionist talked about with the other comment, I know a bunch of Pro-Abortionists and I don't think many are hiding.

Most women who have abortions are silent as they are torn between the decision making and several of the requests for abortions are from the men and lead to animosity at some later date. I have yet to meet a woman who had an abortion who didn't think about it every day.

I don't believe in abortion but I do believe in a woman's right to choose. My mother almost aborted me. I think I'm glad she didn't.

It's interesting about many of the comments on here, it is either black or white, very seldom do I see an or discussion which is gray.

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feminists and compromise don't exactly go hand-in-hand.

in the end, pushing back just as hard is the only real solution.

anything less isn't going to work anymore.

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I couldn't agree more, feminism and reason don't go hand. I've had tons of discussions with them and they don't like being challenged especially by a man. But if pushing is the only way does it solve anything? If they don't reason, shouldn't we be the ones who reason? Shouldn't we be the ones who take it to the next level.

Also, the majority of women aren't feminist, they are women who want to have a working relationship with all in the world and those are the ones, I feel, we should be dealing with.

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Pro-abortionists don't hide their opinion about abortion, but they hide the fact that they have had the procedure. I wrote on abortion awhile back. Here is an excerpt:

Pro-abortionists are just like bullies. They have the power, control and strength to do whatever they want to the unborn simply because they can get away with it. They are bigger and stronger compared to the smaller, weaker life inside the mother, and getting rid of the small life is to their benefit. Pro-abortionists use their power to get rid of whatever is inconvenient to them. Abortions are done in private and often without any discussion with those involved that might object (i.e. father). Like bullies, they usually strike when no one else can see them as they know what they are doing is extremely selfish.

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One of the arguments that bugs me is the one that says if we don't give X to women, the number of abortions will go up. When funding for Planned Parenthood was threatened, we were told the number of abortions would go up. If we reduce welfare benefits, the number of abortions will go up. If we give men the right to say no to fatherhood, the number of abortions will go up.

We're a nation held captive by women demanding entitlements--and if we don't give women what they're demanding, the baby gets it. It's terrible, ugly power that has distorted democracy, which was supposed to be based on the vote, not a threat by women that they'll kill their babies if we don't give into their demands. Women vote and abort--so politicos give them what they want.

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I congratulate this man for posting the bill board.

This should be a talking point in every high school in the USA.

It should be discussed openly and pointed out that MEN have ZERO reproductive rights.

Young men need to understand that a relationship is all about what HE can do for HER.

He has no say or rights with regard to reproduction. They need to GET IT.

Without engaging the younger males with truthful discourse, men will NEVER have reproductive rights.

oregon dad

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One of the things that interested me about this article is the number of posters saying men should some say--basically, some reproductive rights. (And, plenty of women and manginas trying to shoot those arguments down.)

Ten or twenty years ago, arguments for male reproductive rights were virtually unheard of. So I'm glad at least some are seeing the light.

As it is, however, men have no reproductive rights. Basically, women do whatever they want and expect someone else--men or the government--to pick up the tab. Or if they don't want the child, they simply walk away. That's the foundation of family law--forcing men to abide by or pay for women's decisions.

But every young man needs to be aware that our philosophy of "every child a wanted child" means "wanted by mom." He gets no say. This truth should be taught in every sex ed class--and discussed freely.

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I couldn't agree more, feminism and reason don't go hand. I've had tons of discussions with them and they don't like being challenged especially by a man. But if pushing is the only way does it solve anything? If they don't reason, shouldn't we be the ones who reason? Shouldn't we be the ones who take it to the next level.

Losing with the moral high ground is still a loss. Do you know what is worse than a loss? Clinging to unacceptable circumstances with weak justifications. That is nothing more than justified cowardice.

Society will eventually have to make a choice between what SINGLE standard will apply to ALL. The harsh and judgmental standard for men or the permissive and compassionate one for women. Our society will have to start making the hard choices. We are going to have to force the issue again and again. If women want to complain about getting the shaft, well... We've been getting the shaft for a lot longer.

As for abortion and other reproductive rights that women enjoy -- Men don't have any reproductive rights. Why should women have any reproductive rights? Or would society finally decide that men will have reproductive rights after all?

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way in which it was written. "Lashes out" ... Please, his child was just murdered, and they are trying to prevent him from talking about it?

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