Project Males symposium June 24 on the Decline of Latino Males in Education
There is still time to sign up & support for this symposium. In addition to focusing on Latino males specifically, this group often presents statistics, data, and new perspectives on the decline of men of all races in college. An acquaintance of mine is on the team spearheading this project, and from what I have seen I know that they are doing a lot of good work. The aims of the group, as cited from their website:
"To explore innovative ways to establish mentoring links between Latino male role models, current UT Latino male students, and younger Latino males within the Austin area and surrounding communities. The Project will be inter-generational, and it will have a strong focus on leadership development, community engagement, and service, all of which research suggest are critical to the academic success and retention of male students of color in both secondary and post-secondary education."
Good minds, and more importantly good hearts, are working on this project. Feel free to lend them your support.
- Gogonostop
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A suggestion for your acquaintance.
Nice to see some male support in education happening. It would, however, be nice if they took "in color" out of the line "...research suggest are critical to the academic success and retention of male students of color...", as it is true of all males and isn't necessary and wouldn't be harmful to the Latino cause to not exclude whites from this fact (you could even point to those who do occasionally get it, such as in boys only schools, being examples of it's success).
Dr. King would agree
One day perhaps we won't have to have these symposiums at all. But they exist now and we need to support them. Remember we are only as strong as our weakest link and to think for some reason it ends at our borders, is crazy. Bravo, to those in Austin, though I can not attend (would love to) my thoughts and prayers will be with you.