SAVE: 11% Falsely Accused of Abuse, Survey Shows
From SAVE:
Contact: Teri Stoddard, tstoddard-at-saveservices.org
11% Falsely Accused of Abuse, Survey Shows
WASHINGTON / June 2, 2011 – A national survey of 10,000 Americans reveals 11% report they have been falsely accused of abuse. The first-ever survey of its type probed persons’ first-hand experiences with false allegations of child abuse, domestic violence, and sexual abuse. The study was commissioned by Stop Abusive and Violent Environments, a victim advocacy organization.
The survey results headlined a False Allegations Summit, which was held today at the Fairfax Hotel in Washington, DC.
Conducted May 2-4, 2011, the survey also found 15% of respondents personally knew someone who has been falsely accused of abuse. In 81% of the cases the falsely accused person was a male, and in 70% of cases the false alleger was a female. Twenty-six percent of the wrongful accusations were made in the context of a child custody dispute.
“This survey shows tens of millions of Americans have been falsely accused of abuse,” explains SAVE spokesperson Natasha Spivack, “These persons were stamped with the scarlet Abuser label, leaving them to wonder whatever happened to the notion of ‘innocent until proven guilty’.”
The Summit featured statements by leading stakeholder organizations, including the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Home School Legal Defense Association, American Coalition for Fathers and Children, National Coalition for Men, and Encounters International.
The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers statement spotlighted the “immense, often irreparable harm caused to our clients by false allegations, not only to reputation and personal relationships, but often to the accused individual’s livelihood and even heath.”
The Summit also included the emotion-wrought testimonies by four victims of false allegations of abuse.
The False Allegations Summit is being held in the wake of a recent Washington Post front-page article about Sean Lanigan, a local school teacher who was falsely accused of sexual molestation by a 12-year-old student. The article triggered editorial commentaries and citizens’ expressions of disbelief and outrage.
The full survey results can be viewed here: http://www.saveservices.org/false-allegations-awareness-month/survey-results/. The False Allegations Summit is the kick-off to False Allegations Awareness Month in June. More information on the observance can be found here: http://www.saveservices.org/false-allegations-awareness-month/.
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments is a victim advocacy organization working for evidence-based solutions to partner abuse: www.saveservices.org
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You must be kidding right
What a survey of the abusers, you are kidding right. I have spoke to these guys and I wouldn't believe any of them. I had six abusers and do you think any one of them would say they did it.
So 89% of them were accused accurately. Wow, now that is more shocking.
Having been a paralegal, debater in college, I'd love to know how the research was conducted.
Now the 15% who know someone who was falsely accused, how do they know they were wrongfully accused. Who told them. I have to say, I have never known anyone who stepped up to the plate and said I'm an abuser. The three I know who personally told me they weren't abusers, were later found to have abused.
Of the three hundred I interviewed, most claimed they hadn't abused, until we talked in depth.
So be careful what you read.
I have talked with over 1,000 women, 300 men and about 400 rapist/abusers. My stats reveal about 1% and then those are pretty close.
Here's a statistic of the 1,000 probably 100 of them were ritualistically abused, so about 10% around your 11% were raped/abused by more than one person at a single incident. How about we stop the abuse over all and we won't have to worry about falsely accused.
I'd believe someone claiming
I'd believe someone claiming to be falsely accused before I'd ever believe someone coached by a taxpayer funded, lying, scamming, victim's advocate. Some people just don't know how corrupt America's legal system is today, or how bad the rate of false accusations is. Color them obtuse.
"How about we stop the abuse over all (sic) and we won't have to worry about falsely accused."
That sounds very dangerous. What you are saying amounts to shared class guilt for the crimes of an individual. There should be no class of people in law, except minors and the mentally incompetent. We all must be held accountable solely for our own actions. What you are saying is in effect 'men should be willing to accept false accusations until abuse is stamped out.'
It seems you care little for men falsely accused of rape/abuse. A false acusation can devastate a man's life.
And it must be said, how many women would admit to making a false accusation instead of carrying on with the charade? Should women who make false accusations be held accountable? Hm?
Oh, and if the moderators don't mind me saying, with respect you seem to be posting in the wrong forum. Have you thought maybe the NOW website would be more fertile ground for your opinions?
So we should believe your anecdotal evidence then?
I don't really give a crap how many "rapists/abusers" you've interviewed as your motives are revealed in your first sentence:
"What a survey of the abusers, you are kidding right. I have spoke to these guys and I wouldn't believe any of them. I had six abusers and do you think any one of them would say they did it."
You open your comment with a FALSE accusation. A blanket statement claiming that the survey is actually of "abusers"
So you claim to have had 6 abusers? All at once or over time through the course of your life? Have you obtained any convictions against these people? Or are we just supposed to believe you are a victim. I definitely believe you are not an MRA and not in favor of equality before the law. You espouse feminist virtues of believe the victim and hang the accusers and let God (or Goddess if you prefer) sort it a ll out.
"I have to say, I have never known anyone who stepped up to the plate and said I'm an abuser. The three I know who personally told me they weren't abusers, were later found to have abused."
I like this one to. So you go into interviews with a presumption of guilt and you spend the entirety of the interview seeking your preconceived notion about what constitutes abuse. Definitely the mark of an unbiased interviewer. All the best interviewers know the outcome before they ever conduct the interview and conduct the interview solely for the purpose of proving the outcome they had formed in their mind before sitting down to conduct the interviewer.
Oh, and statistically most false accusers never step up to the plate and admit they were lying either. The girl who falsely accused me would tell you I'm guilty of the crime she made up in her mind, but after 7 days of trial I was acquitted and I know with 100% absolute certainty that I am completely innocent of that crime. I do have to carry around the stigma of a false accusation for the rest of my life though and trust me, its a very real stigma. So if you were to "interview" me would you come to the conclusion that I am a rapist because I have been accused of rape and my accuser has never recanted her story? Would it help your predetermination if I told you my accuser has accused 3 other men aside from me, all in completely unrelated incidents and the alleged circumstances were extraordinarily similar in each? Or would it help that of the 4 in total that she has accused formally in court (she alleges more but has not sought to bring charges) she has only obtained one conviction? My accuser in my opinion is a severely mentally ill woman, but she has never to my knowledge ever recanted a single story of rape, and she's told allot of them.
So my friend, since you subscribe to the notion that victims never lie and the accused are all liars and should be held to ah higher standard of proof (guilty until proven innocent), how do you propose we eliminate all abuse when the consequences of your model of justice are a form of abuse that is every bit as nightmarish and horrific as the most brutal vicious and despicable rapes ever imagined?
For whatever either happened to you in your life, or you imagine happened to you in your life that made you as bitter and hate filled as you are I am sorry that you had to go through that. But your solutions lead only to the very suffering that you claim to abhor. Your clear prejudices and preconceptions will not ever "...stop abuse over all..." but we certainly are glad you are here as that means there is a chance you may open your mind to different ways of thinking that would be beneficial to ending ALL abuse/
even if all men became sterile
and impotent tomorrow, the system would still find away to blame all
the problems of the other half on them. they like the gov. handouts and
the favored treatment under the law, and feminists such as we have here
on this board from time to time, will do and say anything to help
them keep us biting at our own tails.
woman accuses man of rape - man gets 30 years based on her testimony alone.
man gets fasely accused of rape by woman. lawyers explain how she is...
woman get 30 days suspended sentence and fine for filing a false polce report. lately women have been murdering men and walking, claiming abuse.
i say fix this and there will be only a fraction of rapes reported. real ones. let women get the same sentences for false accusations as men are set up to get, including being listed on all those predator lists.
pay no attention to the mangynas behind the curtain. they are truly a paathetic lot.