Rihanna shown murdering rapist in music video
Another contrived bit of "entertainment" where a male gets exactly what it deserves. Link to article here. Excerpt:
'Rihanna's new promo for Man Down has come under attack from activists at a TV parents group for graphically depicting the murder of a rapist.
The singer, who was beaten in 2009 by her then-boyfriend Chris Brown, premiered the video on US cable network BET on Tuesday.
In the promo the singer shoots a man at a railway station. A series of flashback images then show her grappling with him outside a nightclub as he tries to attack her.
Rihanna took to Twitter after the premiere to address the "underlying message" of the video, warning young female fans to stay safe and beware of predatory men.
"If Chris Brown shot a woman in his new video and BET premiered it, the world would stop. Rihanna should not get a pass," a PTC representative adds.'
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The murder was all that mattered
Of course the man had to be cast in some evil light and of course she needed to make up some greater message around what she was doing to excuse it, but the 'meat' of what she was after here was the depiction of a cold-blooded murder of a man by a woman and making it such that she gets cheers from her female fans for it. And that's all there is to it.
I never quite got it why Chris Brown was labeled as an abuser when it was reported that she hit him first. Now this bitch is advocating murder? If Crystal Gale Mangum had been prosecuted for rape after falsely accusing the Duke fraternity she might have not murder someone a couple of years later.
Just goes to show that more trouble has been caused over the centuries by that tiny little 1.25 inch square invaginated area of the female crotch than all the tyrants combined.
is she suggesting she's a role model?
Wow she's messed up. She shows violence in he video then she shows cold intentional murder and tries to act like there is a message.
"warning young female fans to stay safe and beware of predatory men."
Stay safe like not starting violence?!?
Rihanna is a looser.I can't
Rihanna is a looser.
I can't stand "artist" that go for shock value. If a performer is truly talented, they should not have to purposely stir up controversy. She knew this video would get this type of response, but she will do anything to see her name in the news.
A side for the desperate bid for attention, the message is absolutely disgusting and shows a lack of value for men.
I was disappointed to see her as a performer at this year's NBA allstar games. I can't wait for her fame time to be over.
PS- any dude would be crazy to get with her, but the black guys are lining up. She sleeps with married NBA players. Just part of her "girl power". No responsibility...
Some very interesting thoughts.
One at a time.
First as a filmmaker, I believe in free speech, which means free art and being able to do with it what you want.
That said, let's examine some of the comments here in a different light.
First, she has the "right" to do it. No denying that, and you have the right to say what you say. I have and friends of mine have fought and some of them have died for my rights to say it.
Second, by doing what she did, she did two things, appealed to women who have been abused and it will sell, because there have been a lot of women abused.
Third, having been abused (by both men and women) I have had those same types of thoughts. One was tying my abuser to a wheel and spinning her around and pealing an inch of her...You get the idea. To actually do it is one thing...but to think it and even describe those thoughts to you is another. Shooting someone on film is "not doing it"
I remember watching a movie, I'm sure none of you saw it because it was terrible, it was called Double Identity. A woman who had been raped. The person who raped her was convicted and sentenced to five years in jail. She took a job where he used to hang out and then shot him once he got out of jail. The story and premise was good as it showed the lengths someone one would go to get their pound of flesh and it showed how these thoughts destroyed the person.
I don't think because of Rhianna's video, women are going to rush and out do this, though some might. If you look at it in a different light, when these displays of violence on the screen occur, less violence emanates.
At a conference, last year a group of women were exclaiming violence in pornography has increased and therefore it was bad.
However, the statistics during this time showed they were right and brutal violence against women had dropped 11%. As in Japan, the movies they watch have incredible violence in them and they have the least amount of per capita murders of other large cities. There is no correlative studies to this, but I believe this is true, given some other studies.
To say that is all there is to it, it taking the one sided look. There has to be some truth to it and how do we stop that from happening. Because if you are right, then men are always right and women are always wrong. Neither statement is true.
The abuser issue, have you ever been in a fight. I have been in several. I remember this one, where the guy pissed me ('scuse me upset me) so much I got on top of him, held him down with my knees on his shoulders and started wailing. Now he was cheating and once I got advantage of him, I abused him, no doubt. Hitting someone first doesn't mean you are allowed to retaliate in any way or manner and be exonerated for any action taken after that. If they use their force (power) to overcome the situation and then take advantage of it, then that is abuse, because what you are saying is if she hit him first, he has the right to knife her, shoot her.
"warning young female fans to stay safe and beware of predatory men."
Is that a wrong statement to make if for example, you made the statement would it be wrong, it's not the statement then it's who said it.
It is a statement that needs to be made, because there are male predators out there and don't deny there isn't there is.
I do believe she was doing it to cover here own ass but it's a statement which should be made.
Now regarding the shock value, I'm a guy. (checking to make sure), yep I am.
I just saw Fast Five, you wanna talk shock value. As a filmmaker I go for the shock value, in comedy and in drama and certainly Fast Five did.
I also just saw The Conspirator, you wanna talk shock value, how about when they dropped the boards and they fell to their deaths. What I didn't like is the men in the film who died with her, there was a presumption of guilt and I know two of them, there were similar questions regarding their guilt and though the show was about her, we didn't get to see their stories. She was the only woman hanged in this country and that has shock value in itself.
Ponder what feeling that draws up for you "The only woman hanged in this country.
Because she was a woman we need to change the law for women, that is prejudice in my opinion and that is what needs to change, about hanging anyone.
For me, it's not about equal time for each gender, equal pay, equal whatever. It's about truth, justice and those are the American Way. What is the truth, I agree with your statements (generally), it was wrong, I didn't like what she said, I didn't like how she said it, but she has the right to say it.
I don't like how it vilifies men. I also don't like a lot of movies which makes the woman's life more important than the man's, but and here's the kicker, I don't like one way or the other being put down because they are men or they are women.
Time to quit doing it and perhaps if we started doing it, we wouldn't have to do it at all.
Serious question
Are you on some kind of medication that perhaps is self prescribed? I really could not make out much of that. Seems to be all over the place and maybe semi-coherent but over all nonsensical.
Serious question
Are you on some kind of medication that perhaps is self prescribed? I really could not make out much of that. Seems to be all over the place and maybe semi-coherent but over all nonsensical.
How about
It's us attempting to get our little round peg into the hole to prove we are still men that causes the problem for generations upon generations.
Regarding the issue of abuser, tonight I had what would be considered an epiphany.
I work in the customer relations now, and I was confronted by a customer who called me a jerk.
I wanted to hit him so badly. Had I done so, would I have used an appropriate response. No, several people told me how cool, calm and collected I was, but I wanted to be something else.
So who was the jerk? Him. But did I have the right to punch him in the face? No. So yes, she may have hit him first but it's how you respond that is issue.
I love my sports, football in particular and I used to referee, a lot of times, I caught the infraction but sometimes I missed it. But I can tell you this, I seldom, saw the beginning blow of the fight, but I certainly got the second one. It's retaliation and no it's not right and guess who usually got thrown out of the game.
So there are degrees of violence and your response is the area of concern. Is it appropriate?
Self medication -- a thought after reading some of these.
Let's start with this and go from there.
If for instance Rhianna acyually killed her rapist, then it would be a problem. She hasn't it's alright to think those things especially in our society, it's acted out all over the place on television, in records, in movies, poems and books. It's art. It's all around us. Video games, news with war on it, etc, etc.
Two men go off to war, best friends. They are in a room together. A grenade is tossed in. One man, hides and is safe, the other's leg get's blown off. He survives. The man who had no damage done and sees the man who did it. Two days later, he sees the man. He walks over to the man and shoots him in the temple.
How about we make a better planet to live on where no one, no man, women or child has to worry about being raped or sexually abused?
How about we start there.
If that occurs I'll lift a glass (I don't drink) and will help us all self medicate.
It could be the drug called feminism
Adopting feminism does diminish the capacity for logic and reason. A man under the influence of feminism will simultaneously see himself as worse than he really is while being absolved of his flaws.