Reuters: 'Power, sex and conventional wisdom'
Article here. Excerpt:
'One of the first public comments on the Schwarzenegger affair came from a prominent woman, former Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm, who suggested it showed that the United States needed more female politicians. “Another guy guv admits 2 cheating on his wife. Maybe we need more women governors. Guys: keep ur pants zipped,” she tweeted.
The message reflects conventional wisdom – men are more prone to sexual misbehavior and adultery than women. “I’m confident predicting there would be fewer sex scandals if women were in power,” former White House Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers wrote in her 2008 book “Why Women Should Rule the World.”
A study by Dutch researchers comes to a different conclusion – power, not gender, is the main driver of infidelity.
“Power … increases infidelity among women as it does among men,” according to the study, by a team from the universities of Tilburg and Groningen. Its findings suggest that “women in high-power positions are as likely to engage in infidelity than men.”'
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sick of being on defensive
Who cares if powerful men cheat, or if powerful men cheated more. Their in office to the people and state affairs not their wives.
Using marriage infidelity is such dishonest ploy to gain power.
They enjoyed pointing out a flaw in men and using that against them. All while ignoring what the woman did.
It's extremely telling how women felt so comfortable assuming that it was a male thing with no evidence, saying that sexist drivel out load, and then trying to use that for power. Wtf...
Why are men allowing themselves to be judged on.a constant basis?
I agree. I think there is
I agree.
I think there is more lack of character for the females that sleep with married men. They know what they are doing.
Look at how one-sided the criticism is though. Women actually come forward to voluntarily admit affairs with married men, and we somehow see them as "victims" (I'm thinking of the Tiger Woods situation). What is wrong with the public, that makes them not see the immorality of the women's behavior.
It is pathetic. If a woman has family values those values should apply towards other people's families as well. You don't sleep (or even flirt) with married men because you should want his family to stay intact (especially if there are children). Even if trouble is already in his marriage, his focus should be on fixing it, but there is little or no chance of that if a woman is offering him sex.
This female politician should be questioning the morality of women. We are the "choosers" when it comes to sex. Unfortunately we are failing miserably.
she lied and used her family.
"If a woman has family values those values should apply towards other people's families as well."
Actually Arnold's lover was deceiving her son and the man who believed he was the father.
The difference between Arnold and that women is that Arnold didn't trick anyone into raising his kid.
He let the man raise his son, he didn't. No, he just deceived his wife, her husband and the rest of the California and the world.
Yes, power corrupts, women and men alike. There is a misconception here. That women in leadership roles will take over the world. That is not true, women don't want power they want a better world for their children. How about we shoot for a better world, one without wars but conversations. If grandmothers ran the world it would even be better. There are few if any grandmothers who would send their grandchildren to war.
In a study of people who abused, everyone did except for grandmothers, not one grandmother out of 24,000 victims, male and female. 17,000 women and 7,000 men.
We need more grandmother energy. The ones who taught us to share, respect each other and always told us the truth.
apples and oranges
I was talking about personal relationships...
The mother was even worse for telling a guy he had a kid when he didn't and trucking him into raising the kid... While taking Arnold's money.
Arnold didn't trick his wife into believing she had a kid that wasn't hers and having her invest in that kid.
You're delusional
EVERYONE has the potential to abuse and also could just as easily be a victim. There is no one special class of people that does not abuse. There are murdering and child abusing grannies all over the place. Hell, there was a case that was covered on this site and in the news a couple years back of a couple of grannies taking out life insurance policies on homeless men and then killing them. Grannies have also been convicted of abusing and murdering children, running child prostitution rings (even unmarried ones that can't point to a man and say he forced me to). Selling drugs to children and every other despicable crime you can imagine. What do you think criminal women grow into? Fairies? No, they grow into criminal grandmothers. Your thinking scares me. You have to many prejudices against some groups and preconceptions of others that simply don't lead to a positive outcome in practice in reality. don't believe me that even grandmothers can abuse? Google it, there's no shortage of results.
I didn't
I agree anyone can abuse. Grandmothers included but in general they do not. I was saying out of those 24,000 people none were abused. That's a pretty staggering statistic.
I hope you would agree, however, in general (in large numbers) they do not and they are considerably closer to the other spectrum of being caretakers and givers than the those who do abuse.
Would you agree on that?
I don't think you need to google that and I would hope your grandmother was on the caring end of the spectrum.
It is personal relationships
That's the problems with affairs, they are personal relationships and to have an affair it has to be secret and it involves everyone, not just one. No Arnold lied to his wife into believing he was faithful.
It is apples and oranges, but it they both get juice, it's just a matter of what your preference is.