Gingrich Tells F & F Activists, Audience That Family Law System Has an ‘Extreme Anti-Male Bias’

Article here. Excerpt:

'A contingent of Fathers and Families’ Election Campaign 2012 activists attended the Portsmouth, New Hampshire Seacoast Republican Women’s Breakfast with Newt Gingrich on Wednesday. F & F member Deanna Marchand (pictured) asked Gingrich:

Family courts generally allow fit loving fathers only a few days a month with their children. This is not only harmful to children since it’s so important level of involvement by both parents in their lives, but it’s also a terrible civil rights violation when the government dictates how much time a father or mother can spend with his or her children. What are your thoughts on family court reform?

In response, Gingrich criticized the family law system for its “extreme anti-male bias.”

Gingrich added that he was “in favor of fathers having rights…We live in an age that is very different than 50 years ago and I think that it is very often very important…that we have a much greater sensitivity that both sides, both parents, both have rights and have responsibilities…”'

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