Petition to reject the proposed SaVE Act absent amendments to protect presumed innocence

Petition here. Excerpt:

'To the Members of the United States Congress:

The proposed Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (SaVE Act) (S.834) should be rejected unless it is amended to adequately protect the interests of the presumptively innocent who are accused of sexual assault and related offenses.

Although as a scientific matter, the frequency of false complaints of sexual assault and similar offenses to police or institutional authorities varies widely depending on the study and is impossible to state with precision, false reporting of such offenses is a significant problem to a distinct segment of the population.

The goal of holding sexual offenders accountable for their misconduct is one that is universally shared by all civilized people. However, the SaVE Act, in its present form, should be rejected because it unduly enhances the risk of holding innocent persons responsible for such offenses in furtherance of the objective to hold true offenders accountable.'

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