Gaddafi snatch squads took hundreds of men and boys from Misrata

Anyone recall Secretary of State Clinton's claim that women have always been the primary victims of war? Read this. Oh, and this, too, then ask yourself just how misinformed/biased one has to be to come to this conclusion. Excerpt:

'The lifting of the siege of the embattled Libyan city of Misrata has revealed the disappearance of hundreds of people with many of them suspected victims of snatch squads loyal to the Gaddafi regime, relatives and rights workers said yesterday.

A desperate search has begun for "the disappeared", many of whom were reported to have been taken away to regime prisons or killed during some of the fiercest fighting of a three-month rebel uprising that has reduced parts of the city to rubble.

Witness accounts gathered by The Independent and rights groups indicate that there was a systematic attempt to kidnap men from parts of the city.'

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What this b***d did was inhumane to both women, men and children.

To claim it was only against men or women is incredulous. 50-60,000 women were raped. One group of women were taken from the main camps and yelled, spitted on and urinated on as the men yelled at them they would have Serbian babies. Men and boys are killed in these kinds of societies, so they are the rulers not the others. The women become slaves.

I see where you are going at but Hillary Clinton doesn't speak for me or for most people, however, I do agree somewhat with her. The major victims of war are women, soldiers die and kill but women are raped, maimed and then killed. It happens on both sides and it needs to stop. Period. I truly don't care what the thought is or who thinks it is man or women. War crimes are war crimes and they must be stopped.

So 8,000 men and boys were killed and 50,000 women were raped. Which was worse? You are arguing a moot point. If you want to go at Hillary Clinton for what she said, say it to her. If you want to help stop this atrocity from happening again, then let's work on that rather than calling names as to try and prove a point to stand up for men or women. How about we stand up for the human race?

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>>So 8,000 men and boys were killed and 50,000 women were raped. Which was worse?

The 8,000 men and boys killed is worse. Ask any one of them.

While wartime rape is not nonexistent, where do you come up with 50,000 women? How was this number obtained? Slavery? What do you think it is when a man is drafted against his wishes and sent off to war? It isn't boy scout camp.

Hillary Clinton said, "Women have always been the primary victims of war [because they are the one's left behind when their fathers, husbands, and sons are killed in combat.]"

Right, and I suppose men are the primary victims of breast cancer because they are the one's left behind when their mothers, wives, and daughters die from the disease. Clinton goes on to make other comments that have no factual basis (e.g., 25-50% of women are victims of domestic violence). She speaks hyperbole. She talks about "violence against women" but fails to mention that men are the overwhelming victims of violence.

Men (and boys) are the primary victims of war. They always have been.

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