Microlender takes time to highlight male lendees

From an email from kiva.org, a microlender:

'Men are a minority on Kiva. The microfinance industry has always focused more on finding and funding women (which is great!) But with Father's Day around the corner, we want to focus on the men of Kiva.'

And then they highlighted some of the male lendees that are seeking loans.

With misandry as bad as it is and many organizations just plain scared to mention men much less point them out as clients (no fear when pointing out female clients, mind you-- the announcements are everywhere), I think Kiva.org deserves a round of applause. Please drop them an email using their contact form telling them you appreciate the effort at highlighting some of their male clients, especially around Father's Day, for many of these men are just trying to do what men have been at for millenia now-- be providers to wife and children, and often thanklessly so.

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