Texas lawmaker tries to intimidate male colleagues with veiled threats of reprisal

Article here. This is another example of female politicians thrusting themselves and women in the role of victim. As a result, they blame every man who doesn't agree with them. An example of their arrogance is evident when Rep. Senfronia Thompson told the men if they don't stand up for women, they shouldn't show up in the chamber tomorrow. Her comments were met with applause. Excerpt:

'AUSTIN -- A dramatic scene played out on the House floor Thursday when several female state representatives complained of a disrespectful and insensitive attitude toward women in the chamber.

The final straw for Rep. Senfronia Thompson, D-Houston, was fliers from the Texas Civil Justice League designed to lobby against an insurance bill. The fliers contend that amendments added to the bill would expand the "nanny state" in Texas. One flier featured a graphic depiction of a baby nursing from a woman's breast. Thompson mentioned more than once during her speech that her bill was about regulation of consolidated insurance programs and had nothing to do with women's issues.
Thompson repeatedly spoke directly to male House members, urging them to denounce such political messages.

"Men, if you don't stand up for us today, don't you walk in this chamber tomorrow," Thompson said.'

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... is somehow an offense to women?

Undoubtedly there are many ways to interpret anything. I for one am having trouble grasping the nature of the 'offense' here, much less the extremity of the reaction. All I can think is that she simply wants to see if she can get away with bullying her male colleagues by leveraging her femaleness. And predictably, she is succeeding.

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I think it was the context in which the picture was used. The fliers were against an initiative perceived as sucking the taxpayers dry. They used a female body function to portray a negative message.

Much like calling someone a "dick" is sexist because it uses a male body part to describe a negative character trait.

That's how I perceive the outrage over the photo, but who knows. Some women see nursing a baby as "more oppression" of women. How dare a baby think a mother owes them more of her body even after birth (said with sarcasm of course).

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A lot of feminists believe child care itself is a form of oppression--in fact, they believe any responsibility to another human being, including their own children, is a form of oppression. Women should have no responsibility to children, society, and especially not to men. They believe society and men, however, have huge responsibilities and obligations to women--which should be enforceable by law.

A visit to the NOW web site shows all the demands feminists make on society in the name of women. The only thing they propose giving in return is their vote.

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as we continually try to cut spending, and womens' programs come into the fray,
expect the 'female/victim' card to be played to death, probably as much, if
not more, than the race card has been.

hey, it works. see how they clap? 'idiots' just doesn't seem strong enough a word
to describe, does it? stupid? nah. morons? dumbasses? maybe i will call them gringos.
no, i'm not Hispanic. but that is a good word. it makes your face form a grimmace
when you say it.

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