Casey Anthony Defense Strategy: Blame Her Dad
Article here. This isn't an uncommon defense for women accused of a crime. Somehow there must be a man to blame while the accused is portrayed as a victim. Excerpt:
'Sexual assault. An accidental drowning. A cover up. That is the explosive defense strategy declared before the jury in opening statements in the sensational Casey Anthony first-degree murder trial.
Anthony, now 25, is accused of killing her daughter Caylee in June 2008, and not reporting her child allegedly missing for 31 days, eventually telling Orlando, Fla., investigators that Caylee had been kidnapped by her baby sitter.
Prosecutors then called George Anthony onto the witness stand, the state’s first witness in this death penalty trial. Immediately, prosecutors had to address for the jury the equally stunning revelation -- according to the defense -- that Casey Anthony was a victim of sexual abuse by her father beginning when she was 8 years old. And, in another bombshell, that Casey’s brother Lee also sexually fondled his sister.
"Did you ever sexually molest your daughter Casey?” asked prosecutor Jeff Ashton.
“No sir,” replied George Anthony.'
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