Women-Only Hotel Floors

Article here. Why is this tolerated? Isn't this illegal discrimination? What would happen if we had men-only hotel floors? Excerpt:

'There is a new trend in hotels geared at women who are business travelers or women to just travel for pleasure. This new trend is making whole floors of hotels a woman only floor.

If all goes according to plan Grand Rapids Michigan will be the first city in the United States that has a hotel where an entire floor is dedicated to women business travelers. This looks at first glance to be a great idea but is it really? Some women are calling it sexist and discriminatory. Some call it kindness and a welcome change.

The hotel is a Marriott hotel which is known to cater to business people of both sexes. This new hotel will have twenty four floors and only the 19th floor will be reserved for women only. ...

As a woman I can see two sides to this issue. Sure I see the pros and the cons of this but where will this end? How much is too much? I think the only thing that will make it equal is to have men only hotels so that the men aren't being hit on by the women. After all it is not just men who hit on women, women being equal hit on men as well. Is this hotel prepared to make a male only floor within its hotel?
I think it goes beyond a kindness to woman as some people are saying. Sure it is nice to be pampered and feel safe but when will it end. Will there be woman only hotels on the proverbial horizon for America? What would women who fraught hard for our equal rights say if they seen this latest "advance"? There is a huge difference between being protected and being segregated. Segregation does not work; America's fore fathers have already tried that.'

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Because men around the area are either ignorant on the subject, too disorganized to do something about, or just lazy enough to think about anything else besides when are they going to get their next pussy fix.

Or maybe it's all three at the same time...

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Or, like me, they worked two jobs while achieveing an honors degree, before getting a Master's and moving onto the PhD, without recieving any funding because of feminist controlled funding and publication, and being sexually denigrated and attacked by ignorant sluts in the university and at work. Men like me, who work out regularly, are working towards achieving the highest professional credential that can be bestowed in the free world, and who paid for it all themselves by working at two jobs, think misandrists like you should try and make something of your life before it is too late.

"Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all the other goods." Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, VIII.1155a5.

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