SAVE: Make your Voice Heard at the False Allegation Summit, June 2, Washington DC

From a SAVE email:

SAVE will be sponsoring a False Allegations Summit on June 2 in Washington, DC. The Summit will kick off False Allegations Awarenesss Month. All victims of false abuse allegations are invited to attend this historic event.

The Summit will be held at the Fairfax Hotel on Embassy Row, 2100 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC. from 1pm to 4pm.

The Summit will feature:

  • Release of a national survey of false allegations
  • Statements by stakeholder organizations
  • Accounts by victims of false allegations
  • Release of Model Language to Stop False Allegations

Pre-registration is necessary. Please send your name and organization, if appropriate, to

In addition, if you are interested in making a victim statement, please indicate that fact in your registration. We will be limiting the number of victim statements to 10, so register soon!

Friends, family members, and others are also welcome to attend. We are expecting to get good media coverage, so make every effort to attend this historic event!



Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

P.S. For more information on False Allegations Awareness Month, visit

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