Women don't need federal Affirmative Action programs
Article here. Excerpt:
'Women in 21st century America live five years longer than men; face an unemployment rate that is over a full percentage point lower; are awarded a substantially larger share of high school diplomas, BAs, MAs, and Ph.D.s; and show lower rates of incarceration, alcoholism and drug abuse.
Contrary to what feminist lobbyists would have Congress believe, girls and women are doing well.
With these data before us, reasonable individuals should be holding conferences on how to help men. Policymakers should require that government contractors hire men to bring down their unemployment rate. Health reform bills should feature Offices of Men's Health to assist men in living to the same age as women.
Unfortunately, the reverse is occurring. Congress and President Obama continue to advocate policies that favor women over men. The financial regulation bill has mandated 29 offices to help the advancement of women.'
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No Kidding?
Surely, no one with at least two brain cells to rub together actually believes that affirmative action is a means for the traditionally disavantaged to get ahead by getting preferrential treatment? It is all about preferrential treatment for the elite!
as i have said before
and everybody really does know,
once people start making $$$ off of something,
it is next to impossible to rein in. it feeds on itself.
remember last month or so when brit students were rioting and
because of gov cutbacks the free college was to be no more?
some were quoted as saying they were entitled to free university.
remember when a.a started? it was just a temp thing for a limited few
to repair old wrongs.
remember that if _______ was given/passed/funded for just a short time
it will _________. there are probably a thousand gov handout programs that
began that way.
but, there is hope, of a sort. when odumbo gets through giving our
country away to his buds, we will all be free to start over, equal,
just not free as in no masters and no slaves.