"Everyone from Fox News to feminists is turning the arrest of DSK into a piece of medieval theatre"

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'I am no fan of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, still less of the Socialist Party of France that he is a member of or the nation-wrecking IMF that he currently runs. Yet I can’t help feeling that his arrest on charges of sexual assault is being turned into a modern-day medieval drama, a kind of reality-show version of the witch trials of old, in which DSK has been assigned the role of all-purpose hate figure rather than suspect in a crime.
And feminists hate DSK because… well, because he is a man, and even worse than that he’s a man who has reportedly flirted and engaged in saucy dialogue with his female staff in the past. The speed and thoroughness with which feminist writers have drawn a link between DSK’s everyday workplace demeanour and the alleged rape of a maid has been extraordinary, as if there is a natural and logical link between sexist banter at work and the violent and criminal degradation of a woman. One writer says that what will really be on trial in NYC is the “sexual behaviour” of men in general and the “wider question of the behaviour of men in power”. DSK’s alleged actions apparently spring from “the sexism and snobbery of French politics”. Such commentary is a reminder of feminist commentators’ willingness to indulge and spread national stereotypes when it suits them and of their keen abandonment of the concept of innocent until proven guilty in any case involving allegations of rape. I mean, DSK must be guilty, right? He’s French, he’s powerful and he talks down to women. Lock him up.'

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No presumed innocence for this guy. Nonetheless I keep an open mind-- he may be guilty as hell, he may not be. Are there "powers out there" that don't like this guy enough to go to great lengths to get him discredited, jailed, etc.? There sure are. However does he have a reputation of general disrespect toward women simply because they are women? Earned or not (I don't know), he does (which as the author points out, does not make him a rapist). So it's an ongoing matter, and I keep an open mind. He may have dunnit, he may not have. Hopefully justice will be served, but to all paying attention, I say, this is going to be one heckuva trial no matter what.

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