Feminism -- schools are their playgrounds (Part II)

Article here. Excerpt:

'We don't recognize feminism in our thinking or our behavior, yet we are constantly bombarded by its ideals through entertainment media, books, movies, in the workplace and, most importantly, the public school system.

In "Save the Male," Kathleen Parker wrote, "Boys learn early that they belong to the 'bad' sex and their female counterparts to the 'good.'"

Despite obvious differences between males and females, feminism aimed to teach girls to aspire to be masculine and boys to be feminine. Public schools have become the focus of increasing girl-centered education and decreasing the natural inclinations of boys.'

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This is why I do not send my kids to school.

As I read the article I nodded my head in agreement to every paragraph.

The schools have your children for 7 hours a day!!! Do you ever ask yourself why? or what the hell are they doing??? And they still send your child home with homework. I've seen my neighbor's kid's homework. It is a joke (frustrating, time consuming, very little value, IMO)

The schools (or government) are taking place of the parents and families. They provide transportation, breakfast, lunch...what's next, dinner? This is another form of welfare. Education is not so free, the taxpayers are paying.

I have heard rumors that Planned Parenthood even wants to set up clinics inside the public schools.

Schools are now even dictating student's after school time. Graduation in my state now includes a "senior project" . This is a time consuming project, not associated with any class (in other words no teacher has to do any work - it is all done on a students "free time") plus 40 hours of community service for a non profit organization. It all sounds good, but can't the schools just stick to academics and leave everything else up to the parents?

Public schools have over-stepped their boundaries! Both genders are suffering, but especially boys.

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Just to comment more specifically on the pro-girl attitude in schools...

You can't trust any aspect of the educational system as to what the problem is, how it has been determined, and what cures they have for it because everything is evaluated from a feminist perspective.

From kindergarten on up everything is about networking, socializing, group projects and writing intense (subjective) evaluations.

The "standardized tests" are not what you think. Math is no longer about numbers. Google "Everyday Math" published by McGraw-Hill, a curriculum used by many public schools - it does not contain many numbers and when it does ask for a calculation, students are allowed to use calculators. Girls are doing great at this "math". My neighbor's child had many "math" problems that asked him to draw a picture, or sometimes it showed a picture pattern and asked him to interpret it using complete sentences (this was 4th grade math homework)

The curricula companies make the standardized tests and sell it to the schools as a "package". If schools want to raise test scores (making the schools and teachers look good) then the schools must buy the curricula that goes along with it.

Here is a video on YouTube showing the "new math" compared to traditional math. (Math education: An inconvenient truth)


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