SAVE E-lert: Maine Prosecutor Files Motion to Muzzle SAVE

From a SAVE email alert:

Following our May 12 E-lert, SAVE learned that during Thursday's pre-trial hearing in the Filler case, the State of Maine prosecutor filed a motion to impose a gag order on SAVE and other organizations seeking to get the truth out about prosecutor Mary Kellett. Clearly, SAVE's well-subscribed petition, high-profile press conference, and other efforts to publicize the case are proving to be a major irritant to Mary Kellett...and well they should!

The judge viewed the motion as a puny attempt to revoke SAVE's First Amendment rights, and quickly denied the motion. And once again, the methods of prosecutor Mary Kellett and her proxies have been exposed for all to see.

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the so called 'justice industry' has lost all its bearings. turning out
AA lawyers like Bayer puts out aspirin. this crowd is the most uneducated
slithering bunch of miscreants to ever defile the once venerable halls
of justice.

i believe what we are witnessing is the total breakdown of our system of
government. this total and obvious destruction of the judicial system is
symptomatic of our government's decline. the canary in the mine, so to speak.
i also believe it actually started with the destruction of the rights of fathers
in marriage, and now the virus has spread to all branches of government. they openly
violate their own 'precepts of law' handed down by our forefathers.
the average guy (and gal) are being abused by government. our forefathers were right
in all the warnings they gave us about losing our Republic. this is the time
they spoke about. it is time to fight these viral socialists/marxists. being nice
to them and their supporters only encourages their arrogance. i shun them.
imho it is only just beginning. get ready.

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