The Flipside of Feminism: After four decades of male bashing, why are women still so unhappy?

Book review here. Excerpt:

'It’s been about four decades since the Women’s Liberation Movement began, yet recent statistics from the National Bureau of Economic Research claim women are more unhappy today than before the movement began.

Is the Feminist Movement to blame?

A new book by Suzanne Venker and Phyllis Schlafly “The Flipside of Feminism” explores this issue.

On their website, the overview section begins:

“What if everything you’ve been told about women in America is wrong? What if what your college professors taught you – along with television, movies, books, magazine articles, and even news reports – have all been lies or distortions?”

“…after all, they [men] are just brutal oppressing knuckle draggers so we need a whole new movement for that…”'

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