"What Every Son Should Know About Love Marriage and Divorce" by Aaron Burleson M.D.

In his new book warning young men about the dangers of marrying unwisely, Dr. Burleson examines the biology of love and mating, helping the reader to understand why some unions are bound to fail before they even start. The book shows by example how every action can result in unintended consequences and elucidates the tell tale red flags which can signal a divorce in the future.

The book sets out some basic principles for choosing a mate with emphasis on vetting her thoroughly before taking the plunge into marriage. A checklist that every man should go through carefully prior to marriage is provided.

The middle chapters contain advice on keeping the marriage healthy by avoiding the common pitfalls, which may lead to divorce. Finally the author gives examples of how not to make the same mistakes so many other men have when dealing with a marriage on the rocks from infidelity, mental illness, or other common problems. Included in this section are suggestions as to how information can be collected objectively because dealing with these problems without the appropriate intelligence can be disastrous.

The final chapter on Divorce sets out in stark contrast the consequences of choosing your mate unwisely, ignoring the red flags, failing to properly vet your prospective mate or failing to take appropriate precautions prior to matrimony.

Think of this book as the fatherly advice you should have gotten from your dad and surely would have if someone had told him.

For More Information go to lovemarriagedivorce4men.com
EMail Dr. Burleson:Email Dr. Burleson

Ed. note: I presume the submitter of this story is the author of the book, but cannot know for sure. In any case the posting of this item is neither an endorsement nor non-endorsement for his work. It is posted because it draws attention to the importance of being very careful about who, if indeed anyone, you choose to marry, as the stakes these days are, as we all know too well, very high.

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there are ways to find out if she is a bad seed?

maybe scientists could develop a meter with prongs we could attach to ________ ,
like a volt meter, to see if she has bad intentions and plans to legally skip out
w/ the kids + everything else you have worked to provide + future earnings.

maybe psychologists could develop tests to see if she is a gold digger at heart.

maybe engineers can develop some type of infidelity sensor.

let's get political types to pass ....

maybe we could get police to ...

how about we just fix the dam judicial system like it is supposed to be (equality, fairness,
truth, etc.) so women don't profit from divorce.

nah, no $$$ in that.

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As I fight my own current, and miserable battle with FSD/DCSE where I know no matter what I do, I can't win (as demonstrated from 20 years of dealings with them) --- it makes me wish I had never considered any of it, period.

Its not even because the person was unworthy (the first was -- I didn't marry her, but I pay dearly anyway, the second -- probably is worthy). Its because the system is so bloody corrupt that should this go that direction -- she, and anyone else with two working brain cells is not about to turn down free money. Although she can see how corrupt the system is, she still can't quite admit to herself that she likes that she could potentially profit off of it, and that the inherent unfairness of the system gives her a highly disparate degree of power that simply shouldn't exist in a system that has true equity.

This is even with a woman who has stood by my side through contempt hearings, license revocations (more than I have fingers), accounting snafus at DCSE/FSD, out & out fraud by DCSE/FSD, a prosecutors office that is so pedantic that it can't see advance payment as anything other than a "crime", and even account seizures. Oh, she knows the system is unfair, but I know there is still a part of her that enjoys that it is, and when push comes to shove, would be just as tempted as any other woman in the USA to exploit it. This is a sad commentary on even a Christian woman, but it is the reality of waiving around a mess of money up for grabs.

I find it noteworthy that she may eventually out earn her ex husband, and yet it is only his social security that is attached. ...If the roles were reversed, she would scream to high heaven. Sadly, I too have become somewhat cynical in my dealings with women. Despite lawyers, and a call to the psychic hot line while drafting a prenup -- I can't foresee every situation, and can only *hope* this all works out. I know those perverse incentives exist, and may indeed come to bite me in the butt.

If no one tries, we all lose - but this stuff has to change.

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