Vienna man chooses jail over alimony

Article here. Excerpt:

'VIENNA - A Vienna man would rather sit in jail than pay alimony to his ex-wife, hoping it forces a change in state paternity laws.

Monday, Sean Keefe, 37, was sentenced to six months in the North Central Regional Jail for refusing to pay his ex-wife $1,800-a-month court-ordered alimony.

"I didn't kill anybody. I didn't assault anybody. And I didn't steal from anybody and I am going to jail. I am in jail," Keefe said in a YouTube video posted Saturday.

Keefe alleges two years after he divorced his ex-wife, he discovered he was not the father of the couple's youngest son.

"Just before our divorce was finalized I was told I should have a DNA test performed. I was told there was zero-percent chance I was his biological father," he stated on the video. Caroline Keefe, Sean's wife, provided The News and Sentinel copies of the test results.'

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