Ad Council’s sexism hurts good cause; feminist bias in ads clouds message

Article here. Excerpt:

'...This is not the first time, if there is on thread that runs through this organization’s ads it’s an effort, sometimes subtle, often overt, to disparage men and boys and cast women as superior, physically, mentally and even emotionally.

The Ad Council is known for creating the ads we see on T.V. or hear on the radio known as Public Service Announcements, (PSA’s) that stations run perhaps for free or at a reduced rate, usually to support some social cause that usually would not have the money for an ad campaign on the scale arranged for by the Ad Council. They usually have some ad agency do the creative work based upon their direction or guidance. I’m not sure exactly how much public funds, if any, are involved, either directly or indirectly.

One of the more outrageous campaigns created under the Ad Council was for something called “The Family Violence Protection Fund”. However, this time the cause was not so worthy, the campaign and the Fund provided misleading or even false information and was so biased and twisted it came close to promoting child abuse.

This campaign depicted pre-teen boys as “abusers in waiting” that needed correction or instruction to prevent them from becoming abusers of women which would be only natural in the minds of the feminists at the Ad Council.
Now the Ad Council takes aim at “man’s best friend” and the iconic and historic relationship and image of loyalty and friendship: a boy and his dog.'

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Thanks for exposing this. I've complained the sexist anti-male Ad Council many times. You can email some of them at,,,,,,

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