'Guy Ritchie was circumcised for Madonna': A Kabbalah spiritual leader claims director underwent surgery for then-wife

Story here. Excerpt:

'There are many things a man would do for the woman he loves but not every man would consider losing part of his manhood.

But Guy Ritchie is said to have agreed to say sayonara to his foreskin to please his then-wife Madonna.
The mother-of-two who co-founded the modern Kabbalah Centre in L.A. is reported to have said that Madonna: ‘keeps a kosher home, she observes Shabbat, she circumcised her son and had her [ex-] husband circumcised’.'

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Madonna had not right to insist that Ritchie get circumcised, which I have no doubt she did. However he could have divorced her and been done with it. Instead he CHOSE to get circumcised in the face of his then-wife control-freak-hood. This is a far cry from a baby getting circumcised without his consent (which he has no ability to give).

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Given the promicuous image she promotes in her videos, it's hard to believe Madonna lives a conservative Jewish lifestyle. Something here smells rotten. I guess Ritchie made his decision. I hope it was worth it for him. It would not have been for me.

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'she circumcised her son and had her (ex) husband circumcised'?

sounds like a male slave being 'fixed' so he could be acceptable to her.

imagine any man being quoted as saying 'i had my wife fixed for my own religious reasons'.

or 'i had my daughter ___________ for my own religious reasons'.

yeah, right. married men are bonded servants and you will find out the truth for yourself

when you get to divorce court.

you don't want to know what i say this makes guy. guess he finally got kicked to the curb.

gosh, wonder why? maybe she wanted to go a bit further and he woke up?

i always said she looked like she had a pair.

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