Turning feminist theory into a visceral rape deterrent

Article here. Excerpt:

'In Africa, your vagina can get spikes for $2. No longer just a revenge dream, this device — called Rape-aXe — was actually distributed for free last year at the World Cup in South Africa. A psychological weapon as well as a physical one, Rape-aXe evokes a terror that was a staple of ancient folklore among cultures as different as the Egyptians, Greeks, Indians, Chinese, Polynesians, and Native Americans: teeth down there!

Complete with sharkskin-like barbs that catch onto an invading penis, causing pain and preventing urination, and requiring specialized medical professionals to remove, the Rape-aXe is a real-world application of feminist theory. It's a practical response to the harsh environment in which women around the world conduct their daily lives. While it may not yet be available in the United States, the Rape-aXe is an example of a new, forceful, even primal, phase of the women's rights movement, worth examining as Portland observes its annual Take Back the Night rally.'

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This device might make sense in a lawless or war-torn society, but for the most part it sounds like a plastic therapist for paranoid women who think about rape all day. Hopefully most women will see through it and not find it necessary. Hopefully. Sooner or later some woman is going to forget she's wearing it when she decides to have sex with her lover. In the worst case, it's also going to backfire if it's a gang rape. It's also not going to work against rapists who have the foresight to penetrate with another object to fish this thing out. I imagine that the stereotypical date rape drug rapist would think of this.

I'm fascinated by what this device implies about the nature of rape. I wonder what a court would say if a woman claims she was raped because she was too drunk even though she had taken the device out to let him in. Or what if women claim to wear it, continue to claim to have gotten raped, but no snagged penises ever turn up?

And what would it do to the psyche of women who wear such a device since middle school? How will they view men and relationships by the time they become adults? I don't necessarily want to live in a society where most women feel justified to mutilate a man's body if he does not respect certain boundaries that she sets. Especially in the gray areas of rape, those boundaries seem to have more to do with the murky depths of a woman's mind than with right or wrong. What if it makes a woman feel justified to cut off her boyfriend's penis in his sleep because he didn't pull out soon enough after she said "stop"? What if she decides to wear one of these things, initiate sex to screw up his penis, and then tell the police that he raped her?

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In this country it wouldn't work. To many men would get axed for no reason. Besides that, if a deranged person was trying to rape a woman, and they got their willy snagged, how many women would die after that? Pain can and usually does incite those that are intent on violence, as they have already sought a prey that was weaker. Also, a carrot carried by an intent rapist could preclude any nasty barbs on their willy. I guess they could then arrest any man that was carrying a carrot, cucumber, or dildo as a potential rapist, sort of like burglary tools. I hope the absurdity is not lost on anyone.

David A. DeLong

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This isn't the first time that I've read about these devices. Such things have been appearing in the manosphere for the last 2-3 years.

I have started to wonder however, if there could ever possibly be a positive outcome for a woman that actually used one of these things, and someone attempted to rape her.

Suppose some crazed soldier decides to rape a local woman. He sticks his willy in her, feels the thing grab on, and then the victim has the opportunity to scurry away to safety because the rapist is too busy dealing with this thing to stop her escape?

I suppose that's theoretically possible. But what is more likely is this: Crazed soldier decides to rape local girl. Gets this thing caught on his wang mid-rape, and he is scared shitless. Fear and rage are close cousins. When fear becomes blind rage (and it most certainly will) the girl could very easily become a murder victim instead of a rape victim.

Seems to me that this last scenario is far more likely. In fact, I would wager that this has happened. Probably many times in places where this thing is being used. But that kind of story will never get into the MSM. (Side note: Is anyone aware of a news story describing a woman was saved because of such a device?)

Let's think about a gang rape scenario. The murder of a woman that was using such a thing just becomes that much more likely. But only after being repeatedly raped, once it has caught the first rapist.

And one more thing: Suppose word gets out amongst soldiers that this device has been distributed in a given region that they are occupying. How hard would it be to dig an old vegetable out of a trash heap nearby, and insert it to make sure the coast is clear (so to speak)?

There are too many things that can happen, and the least likely is the positive outcome that I've tried to imagine.

But let's be honest. This device is not something that is really about preventing rape anyway. It isn't about making women safer. It is penis envy writ large, and it is the embodiment of feminism's hatred for men, and their enduring revenge fantasies.

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