Attractiveness and hirability

Article here. Excerpt:

'Former prom queens and cheerleaders looking for work might want to leave their photos off their resume and their public Facebook profile. According to a new academic study, hiring managers scanning resumes from female job applicants granted more interviews to “plain-looking” women or women who didn’t include a photo with their resume, than they did for attractive women whose resume included a photo.
So what gives? Here’s a hint if you haven’t yet figured it out: Who is typically in charge of screening? Yep, young women. After the survey was complete, the researchers contacted the firms they had sent applications to and determined that 24 of the 25 firms had a female employee between the ages of 23-34 doing the screening. The authors conclude that one of the major factors at play here is that “female jealousy of attractive women in the workplace is a primary reason for the punishment of attractive women.”'

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Just what we need. People chosen not for their abilities, but how unattractive they are? Petty jealousy reigns supreme within the corporate model! Transpose this into the "justice system" and it explains a lot about who works there doesn't it?

David A. DeLong

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