Action Alert: Gender Studies Lawsuit in London

Article here. Excerpt:

'An egalitarian MRA is bringing a damages claim against an elite university’s Gender Studies department which he attended as a student, but was forced to withdraw from due to the persistantly sexist anti-male nature of the course. His legal claim is based on Sex Discrimination law, Breach of Contract, Misleading Advertising and Misrepresentation – and he is looking for pro bono support from a lawyer or barrister, or assistance from a ‘McKenzie friend’ – someone not necessarily legally qualified, but who can nevertheless offer advisory support and strategy in court.

The university’s promotional literature did not warn of the one-sided anti-male learning materials that would form the bulk of the curriculum – and the university’s prospectus and regulations, forming part of the contract, specifically rule out discriminatory learning materials and practices – so the facts of the case are uniquely strong – on a number of fronts – and a successful litigation here will help bring about real improvements for the future inclusion of men and men’s equality issues within gender studies, and all other academic fields.'

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This looks promising.

It is bad enough they get ahold of your kids from K thru 12th grade with bullshit classes. Now they want to continue the indoctrination into college.

Why have colleges become so liberal and what can be done about it? .

I don't have any answers, but I hope lawsuits like this are a start.

I never really understood gender studies or why some one would want to take such a class or get a degree in it and how have they gotten away with it being so ant-male for so ling?. C'mon, with this economy take something that will help you land a job! Colleges should be cutting most (all?) their liberal courses as they aren't going to help anyone right now! (OK, a little over generalizing and biased, I admit - but some truth to it)

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Prof. Colletta tries to defend liberal studies as being, basically, inherently worthwhile. Tell that to a 21-year-old who can't get a job and has $200,000 in debt he or she can't pay off because they majored in Sociology or History. No one denies that a lib arts degree may make someone an 'interesting person' at a cocktail party, but that very assessment itself is subjective. I find engineers every bit as 'interesting' to converse with as history or political science majors.

The vital piece of what is left out of this debate is the dreaded P word: practicality. One can indeed look at the world through the eyes of the liberal arts major to see the bloody obvious: impractical approaches to anything end up in the dustbin of history (history teaches us that!). I predict it will be too late for our educational institutions to finally get this before many of them are snuffed out under the weight of reality, which is not to far from saying... practicality.

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