Dead Suit Walking

Newsweek gleefully asks "Can Manhood Survive the Recession?" Fewer publications enjoy watching and reporting on the decline in the status and fortunes of men more than Newsweek/Time, do they? I'll be so glad when they finally go out of business. Excerpt:

'Two coasts. Two men who can’t find jobs. And one defining moment for the men in the gray flannel suits who used to run this country. Or at least manage it.

Capitalism has always been cruel to its castoffs, but those blessed with a college degree and blue-chip résumé have traditionally escaped the worst of it. In recessions past, they’ve kept their jobs or found new ones as easily as they might hail a cab or board the 5:15 to White Plains. But not this time.

The suits are “doing worse than they have at any time since the Great Depression,” says Heidi Shierholz, a labor economist at the Economic Policy Institute. And while economists don’t have fine-grain data on the number of these men who are jobless—many, being men, would rather not admit to it—by all indications this hitherto privileged demo isn’t just on its knees, it’s flat on its face. Maybe permanently. Once college-educated workers hit 45, notes a post on the professional-finance blog Calculated Risk, “if they lose their job, they are toast.”'

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...on your bedroom walls. Keep this article to hand, my American friends. Remember when your country needs you to fight wars to keep your country safe. Remember when your country requires you to rebuild after a natural disaster. Remember when there's another tax hike needed to fund more VAWA, or another draught of funding for the White House Council on Women and Girls.

Because when you learn to say 'no' to government and women, and they recoil in surprised indignation ask them if they helped men during the great 'mancession', or were they pouring gleeful scorn on men whos livelihoods had been destroyed. And then remind them of this article and others like it. Remind them of government apathy in the face of male homelessness, or of the male bankrupts who took their own lives.

And just say "where were you when we needed help? You were dancing on our graves before, and now you need our help? F**k that. Let American women rebuild, fight the wars, create the jobs and pay the taxes. If America is now a 'women's country' let women bear these burdens."

That is my advice, men of America. Whether you choose to take it is up to you.

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The only way men could do what women did is if the women were the ones that were the bread winners, men as house husbands and nannies, etc. No, maybe we need to fix some problems so no one has to die for an others war?

David A. DeLong

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These guys take the gleeful, hateful snark of Atlantic's similar piece by Hannah Rosen and try to out do it. Luckily Newsweek will be dead soon and these guys will soon be the "BWM"s they hate so much.

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