The Real Bullies of Yale University

Article here. Excerpt:

'The recent saga at Yale University — regarding a complaint to the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights by a group of female Yalies that the University “has failed to eliminate a hostile sexual environment on campus” — reminds me of the brouhaha over comments made by former Harvard University president Larry Summers.

When Summers suggested the under-representation of women in the top levels of science and engineering may be due to a “different availability of aptitude at the high end,” his feminist colleagues hammered him until he resigned – even though Summers actively sought ways to encourage more women to pursue these areas of study.

That’s how feminists operate — they’re bullies. As a result, colleges and universities (along with businesses and government) are forced to spend shocking amounts of time and money pacifying this powerful group of Americans. If allegations of a hostile sexual environment on Yale’s campus come to fruition, the University stands to lose billions of dollars in federal funding.'

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