Genital Integrity – Circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Royal Dutch Medical Association recently declared that male circumcision is an infringement of a child’s rights to bodily integrity and personal autonomy, that its risks are underplayed, and that to reject all forms of forced female genital cutting while allowing forced male genital cutting is ethically inconsistent. It also analyzes the flawed distinctions made between female genital mutilation and non therapeutic male circumcision, and it finds that “there is growing concern regarding complications, both minor and serious, which can occur as a result of circumcising a child,” from bleeding, infection, meatal stenosis (urethral stricture) and panic attacks to the risk of death. In relation to long term sexual damage, the paper points out that the foreskin is an important erotogenic structure, and that the history of its removal is, “rooted in the desire to control male sexuality”'

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