NY Post: 'How Yale became a sexual cesspool'
Article here. Excerpt:
'Drawing the loudest outcry are a 2006 episode in which frat pledges chanted, "No means yes! Yes means anal!" in front of the Yale Women's Center (a refrain they reprised in 2009), and a 2008 stunt in which frat members posed for a photo in front of the center with a sign proclaiming "We love Yale sluts."
But before you shed a tear for Yale or its feminists, consider the role that both have played in saturating the campus with vulgar sexuality. In an effort to foster "dialogue" and "acceptance" of every possible sexual choice or act, they've drenched students, faculty and administrators in images and vocabulary of graphic sexuality.
The Women's Center has hosted screenings of lesbian pornography, workshops on drag and talks about "sex toys and how to get the most out of them." In 2006, the event "Who's on Top" was intended to address lack of "discussion about the act of penetrative sex itself" and to explore feminist Andrea Dworkin's theory "that intercourse and patriarchy are inseparable." The center even throws naked parties to boost Yale women's sense of body image.
So, can school administrators find the spine to stand up to the agitators on their campuses and impose some standards of sexual decency? They'll face charges of censorship, especially at public schools, but they don't have to grant official imprimatur to hypersexual groups and activities or let them use college facilities. They needn't be puritans, just insist on the basic norms that govern life outside the academic bubble.
University administrators have a choice to make: Go toe-to-toe with the feminists in their student bodies and faculties -- or with the feds' inquisition squads.
Maybe we should feel sorry for Yale after all.'
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