Father Who Was Shot 3 Times by Mother Can't See Their Son, But Mother Can

Article here. Excerpt:

'This may be the single most outrageous case I’ve come across. I first wrote about Peter Spitz last December here. He’s the Colorado man whose wife Teresa got up in the wee hours of one morning in 2004, bundled up their young son and took him to a neighbor’s. She then returned to her house, put a pillow over her sleeping husband’s head and shot him with a .38. But he wasn’t dead, so she shot him two more times. Then she murdered his mother who lived with them.

Despite all that, Peter lived. He’s permanently blinded and has lost his sense of smell.

Peter is an ex-marine and an all around stand-up guy. So when Teresa was tried for murdering his mother and attempting to murder him, he testified on her behalf. He thought she was insane and said so under oath. She was acquitted of the charges by reason of insanity.'

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but from what i've read about how men are treated by the rigged legal system, not something rare.

she took the time to take the child to a safe place, and then got 'locked and loaded', and went back to ambush hubby while he slept. kinda sounds like the def of premeditated murder to me. she then went and killed his mom. i wouldn't be surprised if murderer mom didn't have a better chance at custody than innocent victim dad. the enablers usually will fall over themselves to make sure mom is always in the pix, no matter how bad she is. this is proof. and taking away the one good parent is destructive to a child, by default. as is allowing the really bad perent unfettered access. what about 'best interest of the child'? yeah, that's what we all already know. BS.

anybody is better than dad to feminists, even stangers. make dad spend himself into poverty trying to get his rights respected. probably lose anyway. lawyers will win either way.
imagine that.

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I wonder if that murdering monster would have gotten off if he didn't testify on HER BEHALF?


manikin: a big empty headed dummy with a ceramic bulge in his crotch where real flesh and blood men have a genuine pair.

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