NCFM helps the San Diego YMCA to Stop Charging Boys More than Girls for Skateboarding

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of our NCFM members discovered that the YMCA was charging boys more than girls for skateboarding at the YMCA’s skateboard park. Our Secretary Al Rava investigated and we thought it best to send the “Y” a letter.

The YMCA for decades has provided a wide range of beneficial services to the young and old. We felt it would be in their best interests to discontinue such discrimination since it’s illegal in California and they could be sued, which would necessarily mean less money for programs.
Dear Mr. Crouch:

Upon receipt of your letter, the Mission Valley YMCA discontinued promoting its skate park to girls by offering a discounted admission fee. The sole purpose of such discount was to encourage girls to engage in a sport that has long been male dominated. We will find an alternative approach to promote gender equality.'

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"We will find an alternative approach to promote gender equality."

LOL! I don't think that expression means what you think it means, YMCA.
You mean you will find an alternative approach to promote gender INequality?

Why do people think that to promote 'gender equality,' they must give women some advantage over men? Are we the only people that sees something wrong here?!
Nobody's stopping women/girls from being skateboarders. They just aren't that interested. They'd rather be shopping and gossiping. Duh.


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But still too few, the reach of feminazists and their agenda is too massive with their media and politicians controlled puppets, we need more of this kind of initiatives across the globe, men are waking up, heck even women free of the feminazism infection are waking up, we just have to start contesting more.

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Well, at least it's a decent result.

Glenn Sacks said he and his son were watching the filming of a movie about a girl skateboarder who managed to beat all the boy skateboarders in a competition. They were impressed by how well she skated, but they got close enough to realize something--the skateboarder was actually a boy dressed as a girl for the movie.

In Hollywood, girls outskate boys; in real life, it ain't necessarily so.

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