Time: Obama Administration Takes a Stand on Sexual Violence and Schools

Article here. Excerpt:

'Vice President Joe Biden gave a heartfelt, hour-long speech at the University of New Hampshire today. The topic was sexual violence, and the occasion was the unveiling of new guidance to go along with Title IX, the federal civil rights law that prohibits sex discrimination, that spells out responsibilities that all federally-funded schools have when it comes to what Biden called the "dirty, little secret": Women are abused and raped in America, on college campuses and elsewhere.

Domestic violence awareness has been a favorite cause of Biden's for decades, and he's helped pass laws related to abuse in general. But Monday's event marked an unprecedented extension of the federal government's reach into schools. "All universities are probably going to say the right thing, but I think some of them have become more complacent than others," says Lisa Maatz, policy director for the American Association of University Women. The guidance, she says, is "supposed to help [schools] really understand what their role, what their responsibility is, so there are no questions, so there are no excuses."
The Vice President spoke directly to the male college students gathered there, as representatives of boys their age everywhere. He told them they needed to respect women and had to say or do something if their peers were acting otherwise. "If you want to measure your manhood," he said in a bellowing, raspy tone, "measure it on the gumption you have to speak up."'

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Biden said:"If you want to measure your manhood," he said in a bellowing, raspy tone, "measure it on the gumption you have to speak up."'

Couldn't just one male member of the audience speak up and tell that misandric asshole Biden to go to hell and take his VAWA with him?

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Why is the VP even wasting his time talking about this? The last time I checked rape was illegal, and alleged rapists were zealously prosecuted by law enforcement? Also why no discussion of the problem of false rape accusations? False rape accusations are just as horrible as the act of rape.

Biden could have used this time more wisely to address a few pressing issues that the White House has some more direct bearing on.
Like, say, the protests in Wisconsin and the nation-wide assault on unions. I don't recall hearing a peep out of the White House about that.
Or maybe he could, you know, comment on the fact that 97% of all military fatalities are male. The executive branch does control the military after all.
Or maybe he could, you know, comment on what our exit strategy is in Libya.
Ha! Ha! Just kidding. Everyone knows we don't have an exit strategy for Libya.

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The University of New Hampshire recently performed a 32-nation study of dating violence and found women are as violent and controlling as men in dating relationships.


The University of Florida recently found women more likely to “stalk, attack and abuse” their partners


Harvard Medical School announced the same thing.

A Canadian government report says the same thing.

So what is all of this Mr. Biden?
Why are you neglecting to mention these other studies that contradict you program??
oregon dad

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