Judge allows Duke lacrosse lawsuit to go forward

Article here. Excerpt:

'Three former Duke lacrosse players falsely accused of rape five years ago can pursue a lawsuit against the ex-county prosecutor and police investigators who handled their case, a federal judge in North Carolina ruled Thursday.

U.S. District Judge James Beaty said in his decision that the players can pursue claims such as malicious prosecution, concealment of evidence and fabrication of false evidence. He dismissed several other accusations, such as intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Richard Emery, an attorney for one of the former players, Reade Seligmann, said they are prepared to vigorously pursue the case.

"The opinion is what I would call, overall, a ringing success for the boys," Emery said. "We're glad that we're moving ahead with the case."'

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Seems to me this is trying to drum up sympathy for the people being sued, not for the men falsely accused.

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Clearly the author of this article is trying to make it as though the suit is ungrounded, that the young men are making a big deal out of nothing, etc. But it is nonetheless good news that the suit is going forward. I hope that it gets a lot of publicity, and gives many prosecutors nightmares -- because they may be the next ones being sued for such unwarranted persecution based on myths of male sexuality (women never lie, all men want is sex, etc.). We need a lot more cases like this taken to court ... bring on the lawyers!!!

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Another obvious case to "go after" would be the misandrist prosecuter Mary N Kellett's trumped upped case against Vladek Filler in Bar Harbor Maine. Kellett should not only be disbarred but also sued and even prosecuted if possible.These cases are only the "tip of the iceberg" of the injustice to men in our bias legal system in gender related legalities.

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the list charges will continue to be thinned to mean nothing

lawyers will have max billable hours for all

little will change overall for prosecutors

who doubts there are very few d.a.s who have not prosecuted
the innocent with a full knowledge of that innocence? its
one of the 'perks' that comes with the office. you get to hammer the good for your agenda.

'houses if ill repute' - read COURTHOUSES, are the devil's stomping ground; and, he only allows stompin' on the good.

its kinda like trying to gain custody/enforce visitation for men. overall you will $pend a bundle. in truth, nothing much will change. its the nature of a well de$igned racket.

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A false accusation of rape is a rape. These guys were raped.
Too bad Western juriprudence has not evolved enough yet to recognize it.

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