Abuse Hysteria in Maine: The Ghost of Michael Nifong

Article here. Excerpt:

'During the early hours of March 14, 2006, a group of Duke University lacrosse players allegedly raped and sodomized a Black woman. Over the next 13 months, the sleepy town of Durham, North Carolina became witness to a succession of prosecutorial accusations, full-throated media warnings, and castration marches.

On April 12, 2007, the state Attorney General declared the three lacrosse players innocent of all charges. Two months later, prosecutor Michael Nifong was disbarred on grounds of engaging in fraud, dishonesty, and deceit.'

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Wendy Murphy on national TV "bitched" out a male co-commentator for suggesting that the woman in the Duke Lacrosse rape case might not be telling the truth when this story was still in the news. She bulged her eyes out and said "How dare you" saying women very rarely lie about being raped,and proceeded to declare the guys guilty of the rape charge.This was on Fox news where Murphy is a regular quest commentator. Her mindless statement went unchallenged and the male co-commentator backed down.This kind of bias double standard is not only unfair but outright scary,because Murphy is also a former prosecutor.Her and others like her have a voice on national TV spewing their misandrist poison,where men don't have a single voice in the media to challenge this and to tell the whole truth.

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we give these feminists college grants, just for women

professors give these 'special' groups grades they didn't earn (been going on for decades)

they enter the work force and get hired based on their gender/race

promotions - ditto

so then ethics is something we should expect?

fairness, where none has ever existed?
truth? from a place where lies reign supreme.
equality? it has no meaning when affirmative action is the stinking fish of the day
honor? what's that?

the solution, and good news - the solution is near at hand. by cutting off their unlimited funding either men will have to finally stand up and take back the day, or just join their veteran brethren under the bridge.

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