Mexico advises workers on sexist language

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Manual for the Non-sexist Use of Language is being distributed to government offices across Mexico.

It seeks to reduce comments that enforce gender stereotypes, as well as the default use of the masculine form in the Spanish language.

The manual was written by a body that tackles violence against women.

In its introduction, the manual describes itself as "a tool to familiarize federal public workers with the use of non-sexist strategies in the Spanish language".

It discourages the use of phrases such as: "If you want to work, why did you have children," and: "You are prettier when you keep quiet".

It also advises against referring to women as possessions, as in phrases such as "Pedro's woman".'

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I wonder if a woman can say "my husband" or "my man" or if all such refeences are now forbidden.

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