"Men May Be Jerks...But Women Are Insane"

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Men may be jerks," my husband likes to occasionally declare, "but women are insane." I hate to admit it, but he's right-and anyone who has spent two years living in a sorority house filled with alpha girls (I'm raising my hand) can attest that this is true.

Women are likely going nuts for a number of reasons. For instance, it's quite tiring and stressful, not to mention impossible, to try to have the brilliant job, the perfect family, shiny hair and manicured hands. Some women say they want total "equality" but still want guys to pick up the check. But perhaps another reason women are losing it is that they're repeatedly told that they're no different than men-and many believe it, particularly in the realm of sex
None of this excuses bad behavior from men, as Hymowitz points out. But the fact is that women who are sick of child-men will have little luck trying to change the knowledge economy. They're certainly happy that birth control and feminism are here to stay. The one thing they can change, however, is their own behavior, their standards, and their expectations.'

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The comment I left on the article::

The one thing I've gleaned from both of these articles is that SOME women think that they're always the victim. No matter what.

During the 50's and before when women: earned less then men, didn't usually have pre-marital sex, and chose not to have a career and instead married to start families; they were oppresed by patriarchal males. Or so the story goes.

In 2011 when women: Childless women earn just as much or more then men; women commonly have pre-marital sex, and women forgo marriage and family, or choose to marry later; women still label themselves as victims.

Make up your minds ladies. Or better yet start taking responsibility for your own choices. No one is making you do anything. Choose what type of life you want to live, and own your decisions as well as their consequences.

Also to all of the women who are whining about the type of lives young men today are chosing to live: Mind your own business! I don't tell you how to live your life. Don't tell me how to live mine!

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