Wendy McElroy: War of the Genders

Article here. Excerpt:

'Overwhelmingly, both disciplines adhere to a specific form of feminism that was labeled “gender feminism” by Christina Hoff Sommers, author of The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men. As Sommers observed, “somewhere along the line, conventional masculinity became politically incorrect. In some circles, it's treated as a pathology in need of a cure.”

A foundational premise of gender feminism (and thus a premise of Men’s Studies) is that male culture or “the patriarchy” oppresses women through institutions such as the free market and through dynamics such as the social construction of gender identity. Gender is considered to be a social creation, not a biological one, and traditional masculinity is seen as inherently abusive to women.
Whatever the truth of the politics, Male Studies is not going away quietly or soon. A second conference is scheduled for April 6 the New York Academy of Medicine. An academic journal is in the offing: Male Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal will be launched in 2011.'

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