Update on the 2nd Conference on Male Studies

Via email:

Our Second Annual International Conference on Male Studies: Looking Forward to Solutions is only 16 days away, and there's just one week left for the early registration discount.

There has never been any better reason to register right now:

1. You can be a part of a global conglomerate - participants from 16 universities - organizations and individuals, professionals and students - from countries including Germany, Australia, Canada, France, United Kingdom, Italy, India and the U.S.

2. Learn from a team of renowned experts about the problems boys and men face today, and how to stop the trend of lower accomplishment in school, higher suicide and incarceration rates, an anti-mail biased legal system, an international media that shames and belittles boys and men - and what these visionaries are doing and recommend doing to make our society better for both genders.

3. Get exclusive access to post-conference materials, including a collection of brilliant poster submissions, the live conference recording, videos and transcripts.

4. Registrants also will get invited to participate at no charge in our upcoming Male Studies online breakout sessions - where you can communicate with our Founder, plus guest experts in fields of psychology, sociology, anthropology, and more.

Take advantage of our early-registration discount, and pay only $25.00 for all this ($200.00 for live, onsite entrance).

The Program:

The male's shortfall in education and its impact on male employment prospects
Tom Mortenson

The Future of Fatherhood
Gordon E. Finley, PhD, Professor of Psychology at Florida International University.

The Current Muddled State of Gender Affairs and the Future
Michael Gilbert, Senior Fellow at the Annenberg Center for the Digital Future / University of Southern California, and author of The Disposable Male

Why Men Die First
Dr. Marianne Legato

From Primeval to Postmodern Man: A Revolutionary Theory
Paul Nathanson, PhD, Senior Researcher
Katherine Young, PhD, James McGill Professor of the McGill Faculty of Religious Studies;
Co-authors of a four volume series on misandry, the hatred of men.

Advertising: Past and Current Depictions of Males and their Consequences
Matthew Willcox and Matthew Palmer, Draftfcb.
Mr. Willcox is a Director of Strategic Planning at the agency and was instrumental in helping Levi Strauss and Company brand Dockers, develop the "Wear the Pants" campaign that dealt with male roles and image. Mr. Palmer is the lead strategist on the Miller Lite brand and a member of the team responsible for producing its "Man Up" ad campaign.

The opportunity to hear from such a collection of luminaries in one place, for such a reasonable cost - is unprecedented. Don't miss this rare opportunity.

Visit http://www.malestudies.org/events.html to learn more.

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