Japan's Fukushima 50: Heroes Who Volunteered to Stay Behind at Japan's Crippled Nuclear Plants

File this under 'male disposability', and once again notice the fact that they are all men. While this article actually refers to these men as men, I have seen others that have referred to them just as 'workers'-- invisible behind their occupations and prescribed gender roles as all-around disposable "heroes". Such "nameless" bravery deserves better, don't you think? Excerpt:

'They are the nameless brave men who are working as the last line of defense at Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plants. They stayed behind while everyone else was sent nearly 15 miles away and radiation soars to menacing levels.

There are 200 of them and they work in shifts of 50, earning the inaccurate nickname the Fukushima 50.

At one point, even these men were pulled back 500 yards from the deteriorating nuke plants, but this morning it appears the crisis team was heading back in.

A 27-year-old woman whose Twitter name is @NamicoAoto tweeted earlier this week that her father had volunteered for Fukushima duty.'

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There is no link to the actual article.

That said, I heard one politically correct news commentator refer to them as "men and women." I knew it was very unlikely that they were not all men (or at most one or two women).

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