Woman gets 30 days for rape of 14 year old boy

Story here. A woman threw a party, gave alcohol to minors, and then raped a 14 year old boy while she was at it. What did our society do to send a message to its taxpayers? The judge gave her 30 days in jail. I would like to see the history of the judges cases whereby men were faced with the same crime, and a comparison of the judges sentences. I would bet that there would be enough evidence to prove sexual bias in the sentences. Any sharp lawyers out there? Would this be possible? Excerpt:

'ASTORIA, Ore. (AP) — An Astoria woman has been sentenced to 30 days in jail for raping a 14-year-old boy at a party.

The Daily Astorian reports that 35-year-old Julie Diane Green pleaded no contest last Friday to rape and endangering the welfare of a minor.

Prosecutors said Green held a party for her children and their friends last August, allowed several minors to drink alcohol and then had sex with one of the visiting 14-year-olds.'

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The fact that this woman received only a 30 day sentence is nothing new and not suprising. As a matter of fact if a woman receives a sentence for child rape that goes into years like a sentence that would be given to a man, that would be a rare exception...Some women don't have to do any time at all, either the sentence is suspended or completely dismissed.And some receive a sentence that confines them to their home.Then there are some women rapist who have even written books,and went on some of these mindless daytime TV talk shows,making themselfs look like they're the victim,and sometimes they are even applauded if they say something that "rings"with the "meathead" audience.This type of farce happens all the time,and is just more evidence of the double standard bias everywhere you look....Like for example The courts, the media,The work place,and the brainwashed public in general.

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Except I made a call to action. I asked that if there were any people that were in the system that could attack this judges decisions based on his/her prior history. Simple really. If there is a very large discrepancy then it is cause for action. The reason is simple. If it isn't Constitutional, and it isn't right, we have an obligation to resist. We also have other venues of support, at least within the boundaries of this nation that will support you. If it is obvious, and we do not take the advantage of "DEFENSE" than we are also to blame for our circumstances as we have not shown courage and conviction in our desires. So, once again I will ask that those that read these threads that are of the legal profession, do you have a conscience, and if so will you allow that conviction to try and support your fellow Human Beings, or will you try and preserve your "Special" status within society, all the while posting on here looking for new clients?

David A. DeLong

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I applaud your call to action to right the double standard wrong.But I have to say that if anybody in the media for example publically addresses the bias against men and the bias for women in any area they risk their professional careers,or mass retaliation from the powerful womens groups.That's why you see these male "creeps" on the tube like Geraldo who has made a career of "pandering" to women say on national TV "a woman having sex with an underage boy is different from a man having sex with an underage girl" !!! Then he went on to say "it was probably the boy's fantasy coming true" and laughed about it.....Talk about a double standard...I can only imagine if someone said the opposite of that.I also think some judges are intimidated by womens groups and will also pander to them.Even Obama and other Presidents have pandered to women for the vote. So there's bias everywhere,Never-the-less I hope someone with the expertise will stand up and try to right this wrong in some way.

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But, I also would like to see some attorneys that are in this state act with some honor within their profession and try and clean their own house. If the population in general has to take the lead, hire an attorney to do this then they, the attorneys, are making a very bold statement that they don't care about the faults of the system as long as they get theirs. Sort of helps put into perspective why men haven't gotten anything really done, other than organize and share their frustration. If the attorneys are to chicken to try and clean their own house then I would say that they are part of the problem. fear, retribution, hell ask any man in this country that has tried to back their Constitutional Rights in this country, and I as well as many others will tell you about real sacrifice.

David A. DeLong

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Well, she at least will be on a sex offender registry.
Now if we could only get the majority of female rapists registered as sex offenders you know the ones who make false rape accusations and destroy lives because of it. A false rape accusation is the female version of rape.

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