WND: "Deadbeat moms"
Article here. Excerpt:
'The White House isn't the only arena in which feminists rule. The feminist elite, aka the women in the media, love to interview women who portray themselves as victims. On the "Today" show last week, Americans were introduced to Rahna Reiko Rizzuto, author of the memoir "Hiroshima in the Morning." Published by The Feminist Press, it is the story of one woman's journey toward "self-discovery" ("Eat, Pray, Love," anyone?) after leaving her husband and two boys behind en route to Japan.
During the interview, the sympathy for Rizzuto was palpable. Never mind that this mother admitted on national television that she never wanted her children in the first place. To the feminist elite – the professors, lawyers, journalists, writers, judges, actresses, bureaucrats, psychologists and activists who use their platform to promote their leftist views – women like Rizzuto are victims. "I realized that I had lost myself, and I wanted to give myself priority," she says. So Rizzuto left her husband of 20 years – as well as her two boys, ages 3 and 5.
There's a name for men who do this: deadbeat dads. Americans would never tolerate a man saying he needed to leave his wife and kids so he could find himself. If that happened, men would be called things editors won't allow me to put on paper. But when a woman does it, well, she's merely taking back her identity motherhood cruelly eradicated.'
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I saw "Eat Pray Love"
I'll say the two cases displayed are very different. She was with a man she didn't really love and one with whom she could not do the things he really wanted to do. And, they had no kids. But I agree that in Eat Pray Love she seemed to go running off pretty fast and threw herself into a romantic fantasy-land that would not be tolerated if she were a he in the movie, purely in terms of critical and audience acclaim. In that regard, yes, the whole EPL phenom points up a major 2x-standard.
Feminism and victimology
"The message to women is clear: If you want to be taken seriously by the feminist elite, only victims need apply."
Pretty much.
This should provide some insight on Feminism; http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/02/110216132042.htm
"To Escape Blame, Be a Victim, Not a Hero, New Study Finds"