Judge slams prosecutors, SBI in Durham case
Submitted by DenisP on Fri, 2011-03-11 02:42
Article here. Excerpt:
'Durham prosecutors and the State Bureau of Investigation broke state laws and violated both the U.S. and state constitutions as they sought the death penalty against a Durham man in the death of his girlfriend’s daughter 13 years ago, according to a judge’s written order that was signed today.
The state intentionally kept information from the man, Derrick Allen, that would have helped his defense.
Those multiple violations by prosecutors and the SBI were willful, flagrant, deceptive, intentional and fraudulent, according to the order by Durham County Superior Court Judge Orlando Hudson, the senior resident judge in Durham.'
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Oh Look! North Carolina...........AGAIN!
The land of "Nifong" and the Duke Lacross Player Rape Hoax does it again.
Of course not a damned thing will be done about these do anything for a conviction a-holes. They will get off free as birds and probably will be immune from civil suits too.
Not a damned thing will be done to prevent more men from getting screwed by the North Carolina system of injustice!