More DV double-speak from Sen. Harry Reid (Action Alert)

From SAVE:

Remember Sen. Harry Reid’s wacko-bizarro comment last year about unemployed men – but not unemployed women – being abusers? Well, Mr. Reid is at it again…

On Tuesday, Sen. Reid released a statement for Women’s History Month. First he talks about ensuring that women are “treated equally to men.”

Then in the very next paragraph, he talks about renewing VAWA “which has helped millions of women affected by violence.” Nothing about abused men being “treated equally to women.”

Mr. Reid needs to hear from a couple thousand upset Americans. And if you want to make three, or four, or five calls to his office, that’s perfectly fine. Here’s his phone number: 202-224-3542. Tell him VAWA is also supposed to help the millions of men affected by violence.

The SAVE Team


Senator Reid Releases Statement on Women's History Month

March 1, 2011

Washington, D.C.—Nevada Senator Harry Reid today made the following statement recognizing Women’s History Month:

“Since our nation was founded, pioneering women have helped shape it and make it strong. From the first homesteaders in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas to Sarah Winnemucca, the first Native American woman to publish in English, to Imogene Evelyn Young Ford, an advocate for women’s civil rights in Carson City, they have fought to make Nevada and this country a better place to live.

“Efforts to ensure that women are treated equally to men in all walks of life have yielded progress. In recent years, Congress passed landmark legislation to ensure equal pay for equal work, passed health insurance reform that will end discrimination against women with preexisting conditions such as breast cancer and protected Title IX programs that create opportunities for female students in America.

“But we can do more. This year we will work to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, which has provided resources and support to victims of domestic violence and their children. I am committed to protecting this law, which has helped millions of women affected by violence.

“As we reflect this month on the contributions American women have made to our shared history and celebrate their influence on the path of our state and our nation, we will also continue our work to ensure that every person – regardless of gender – has the same opportunity to live her dreams.”


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