"My ego is less bruised than my respect for network news"

Article here. Excerpt:

'During the interview with Guthrie I shared that I am underwhelmed by government reports like this. Too often studies about women are produced under the assumption that women are a victim class in need of extra attention from government, including special reports. While the White House study touched on the fact that women are healthier, more educated and have more choices today than ever before, the real “story” — and the reason NBC devoted the lead segment of the nightly news to the report — was to discuss inequalities that still exist between men and women.

Let me start by busting the myth of the wage gap, which states that women earn 76 cents on the dollar for doing the same job as a man. Let’s be clear — even the American Association of University of Women and the Department of Labor have acknowledged that if you look beyond the raw data, and control for variables such as education, time taken off from the workplace, and career choices, the wage gap largely disappears.'

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