Man Receives Oral Sex, Ordered to Pay Child Support
Article here. Excerpt:
'Decisions like this seem to signal, rather unfairly, we think, that a man can be held legally and financially responsible for any unilateral actions his partner takes to conceive a child, no matter how absurd or unforeseeable those actions are.
And Dr. Phillips seems to have been treated particularly unfairly. He didn’t even have intercourse which, is the one and only act that, outside of fertility clinics, can foster a reasonable expectation of conceiving a child. In fact, without intercourse (and outside of fertility clinics) creating a life is, simply, impossible. There was no way, short of checking what his partner did with his semen after oral sex (do you know anyone who does that?) that he could have known that he could possibly father a child.
But the courts don’t care about how the egg was actually fertilized: because at the end of the day, there’s a child now involved. And the concern, from a legal perspective, is whether or not the child will be adequately cared for, regardless of its conception.
Lesson to be learned: If you don’t want any babies, use protection – and make sure your partner isn’t hiding a test tube under the pillow.'
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Always wanted to know what happened in this case!
But it appears, from the full article, that it is still ongoing.
This woman should serve jail time for this fraud.
20 years would seem fair.
oregon dad
Good indication that society doesn't care about men
I don't know how much more obvious it can get: society doesn't give a shit about men. They don't care if men are defrauded, if they die in war, if they are maimed for life by a dangerous job, if they die on the average years earlier than women, if they are turned into paupers so that they can keep their ex-wives in the style to which they have become accustomed... men are apparently only valued because they can do things for others. This "best interests of the child" phrase is so deceitful. It's the code word for "we'll take anything we can get from men and give it to women, and nobody cares how we do it."
I started to add something, redwoodwriter, but you've said it all.