Rapper J-Kwon Jailed for Child Support, Child Wasn't His
Article Here. Excerpt:
Hip Hop News 24-7 recently interviewed rapper J-Kwon about his interesting child support situation. During an interview with Miss Georgia, J-Kwon informed listeners that he'd been paying $2,500 per month in child support for seven years for a child that was eventually determined not to be his.
The artist goes on to say that he was jailed for not making the child support payments, which derailed his entire career by killing his ability to earn income.
He also said that when it was determined that he wasn't the child's father, the courts provided no remedies whatsoever for him to retrieve the tens of thousands of dollars he'd paid over a seven-year period.
J-Kwon is now saying that he plans to start a foundation for Fathers who are having their rights violated by the child support system. I support his initiative, because many of us forget about the millions of fathers out there who are doing all they can to have access to their kids and trying to do the right thing, but are left alienated by deceptive Mothers and a court system that would rather see a man in jail than with his own children.'
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A Couple of Thoughts:
A couple of thoughts:
1.) The assumed father had to make about $35,881 per year when you take into account State and Federal income taxes, and hand it over to someone who wasn't even the mother of his child, just to stay out of jail every month.
This is obviously an outrageous number. But it's even more outrageous when you consider the fact that child support is only suppose to cover 50% of the additional cost of raising a child. Does anyone actually believe that the mother spent the equivalent of $35,881 in pretax income on her child every year? That's more then I make in a year and I'm an accountant with a bachelors degree starting out in the workforce.
2.) How much income is the mother required to spend on her child each month? Will she be jailed if she fails to spend that amount on her child? We already know the answers to those questions.
3.) Speaking of jail, the mother committed fraud, so why isn't she sitting in jail right now? I don't know about the legal definition of fraud in the state of Georgia. But she sure met the dictionary definition:
/frɔd/ Show Spelled[frawd] Show IPA
deceit, trickery, sharp practice, or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage.