British Airways nixes anti-male seating policy

Story here. Excerpt:

'REGULAR Gulliver readers will undoubtedly recall the case of Mirko Fischer, the hedge fund manager from Luxembourg who sued British Airways after it forced him to change seats because of an internal policy that forbade seating adult men next to unaccompanied minors. (Mr Fischer ended up in the position by switching seats with his pregnant wife so that she could look out the window.) Last month, Mr Fischer won his lawsuit against the airline over what my colleague described as "this sexist bit of nonsense," and a court awarded him costs and £750 in damages. (He donated the money to child-protection charities.) Now it seems Mr Fischer has won again. British Airways has changed its policy and will now "ensure that the seating of unaccompanied minors is managed in a safe but non discriminatory manner," a spokesman told the Telegraph.'

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This is pretty funny:

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